Safe & Sound Protocol (SSP)
A contemporary non-invasive sound therapy treatment, used to calm and sooth the social engagement system, which acts our personal radar, constantly scanning our environment for cues of safety and threat.
In other words, the system we all have that responds to our sense of threat or safety stimulating our fight/flight response.
Neurobiological conditions and experiences of prolonged, extreme stress can retune the autonomic nervous system leaving us vulnerable to emotional dysregulation, inattention and reactive to life events and interactions with others.
What you hear, and how you hear it, influences how the body responds
Listening is connected with the vagus nerve, the body’s internal control centre for processing and responding to cues and signals from the world around us. The SSP uses specially-filtered music to train the neural network associated with listening to focus on the frequency range of the human voice.
We look, speak and listen with the same system
When the voice changes, the body responds. As we learn to focus on the sound frequencies of human speech through the SSP program, the vagus nerve becomes stimulated and the state of feeling more safe and calm becomes accessible.
The proof is in the playlists
Specially treated music playlists are part of the SSP program and all help ‘prime’ the nervous system by exposing it to different sound frequencies. Listening to these playlists through over the ear headphones helps the nervous system to more readily achieve balance, or “homeostasis.”
One SSP, 3 Pathways
Each of the SSP pathways is composed of different filtered, unfiltered and calming 5-hour music playlists for either children or adults.